Find your community

The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) is represented in local Ontario communities by 11 LDA chapters. Chapters vary from small volunteer-run groups to chapters with several staff and more than one location.

Each chapter has its own board of directors and supports representatives on the Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs) of local school boards.

All chapters offer information about the community resources and services available to individuals with LDs and their families, as well as information on the rights of individuals with LDs and how to access services. Most chapters run information meetings with speakers which are open to everyone in the community, and many have resource libraries.

Many chapters run programs for children, youth and/or adults with LDs and/or ADHD. The types of programs offered vary depending on local needs and available funding options. Some chapters also run support groups for parents and/or for adults with LDs.

Select your local chapter or all of the chapters to see a description of their services.

Chapter Programs

Information Meetings during the academic year.

Better Emotional and Social Times (B.E.S.T) Social Skills Training Program

This program, intended for elementary aged children with LDs and/or ADHD, teaches children to interact successfully with others, through discussion, games, role playing and direct instruction in small groups. Topics may include listening, dealing with anger, friendship, peer pressure, bullying, accepting consequences, ignoring distractions and more.

S.O.A.R. (Some Assembly Required) Transition Planning Program

A transition-planning program for students in grades 7-9 to help them gain an understanding of their LDs and use this information to advocate for their needs and experience a smooth transition to secondary school.

Tutoring Program

A unique one-to-one, after school program for children of elementary school age, offering tutoring of basic academic skills as well as organization and study skills, keyboarding, and assistive technology training.

Social skills, tutoring, SOAR and technology training are also offered in the summer.

Contact information

LDA Chatham-Kent

Telephone: (519) 352-2024

Chapter Programs

Information meetings during the academic year.

Contact information

LDA Durham Region

Telephone: (905) 430-9230

Chapter Programs

Annual Workshop/Conference Day – Features guest speaker(s) on a range of topics related to LD and ADHD across the lifespan.

Assistive Technology Workshop Series – Currently piloting a series of four workshops, totaling eight sessions, aimed at helping students and their caregivers learn to use accessible features on the iPad.

Workshops – offered for students, parents, and educators on subjects such as: Transitioning from high school to postsecondary studies, How to interpret your IEP, and ADHD and mental health.

Contact information

LDA Kingston

Tel: (613) 546-8524

Chapter Programs

Adventures in Learning Summer Camp

For Students in Grades 4 to 8 

This camp is full of fun interactive activities; recreation, swimming, exciting guests and adventures in the community. This camp is designed to help campers make a successful transition from vacation to the social, academic, organizational expectation of school. We assist with developing of new friendships, self-awareness, learning needs, self-advocating skills and helping to increase their self-confidence and self-esteem.  Campers will take part in Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD awareness, skill building activities, teamwork, social and problem solving skills, some assistive technology, literacy, math games and art. For registration please email:

AssistTech Learning

For Student & Parent Grades 4 to 8

This program will provide both students and their parent the strategies for effective and efficient use of technology. The skills and programs covered in this program include: Google Docs (Word Processing), Google Slides (Presentation Slides), Google Read & Write, and apps for time management and organization such as daily agenda, task lists and reminders. Demonstrations may change due to the need of each individual group. For registration please email:

Executive Functioning Tutoring

For Students in Grades 4 to 10

This program is designed for students to address learning strategies that are helpful for those with learning disabilities and/or ADHD. Weekly topics in this program include: understanding how we each individually learn (learning styles and our best working environment, organization and time management, memory strategies, working independently, attention and focus, note taking, research, project planning/organization, studying techniques, and goal setting. This program is a combination of 50% learning and 50% activity based to reinforce skills learned throughout the program. For registration please email:

JUMP Math Tutoring

For Students in Grades 3 to 8

Our one-to-one JUMP Math Tutoring is designed to increase our student’s confidence and self-esteem as they work toward improving their understanding of basic math and concepts, which greatly increases their success in math. Our tutors use the Ontario math curriculum. They employ a variety of games, activities and lessons that will allow each student to explore, practice, apply and extend math skills/concepts in a self-paced format. Students will have access to a computer assisted technology throughout this program. For registration please email:

Leap to Literacy

For Students in Grades 3 to 8

This program is an individualized, one-on-one tutoring literacy program for children struggling with literacy skills. This program is a combination of 80% one on one tutoring and 20% group instruction on new literacy skills. There is also an at home component using the Lexia Core5 Reading online adaptive program utilizing the LDA professional licensing; developing phonological awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. For registration please email:

One-to-One Academic Tutoring

For Students in Grades 3 to 12

Students are matched with a tutor for 90 minute individualized sessions over a 10-week time frame. Parents and students will be consulted on an action plan for the tutoring sessions. Tutors will assist with homework, subjects and integrating skills/strategies that students need to practice in working toward improving their grades and competencies. For registration please email:

Parent Advocacy /Consultations – Fee for Service

We help parents understand their child’s learning disability and/or ADHD as it applies to the learning environment. The purpose of the consultation meetings is to increase parents understanding of the educational system and Special Education supports. Our goal is to assist parents in developing effective communication skills and encouraging a productive relationship between home and school. We will attend school meetings as needed upon request. For more information or to set up an appointment, please email:

Parent Advocacy Workshops – All parents welcome!  No Fee

The special education system in elementary and secondary school can be a complicated, difficult place to navigate. Come learn more to help advocate effectively for your son/daughter. Sessions will integrate effective communication, understanding school board policies and procedures and conflict resolution strategies. Topics include: What is an advocate, Individual Education Plan (IEP), Identification Placement Review Committee (IPRC), Important Skills & Tools For Effective Advocacy. For more information on Parent Advocacy Workshops, please email:

Parent Support Group – All parents welcome!  No Fee

For parents of elementary and secondary school aged children with learning disabilities and/or ADHD. The sessions provide an open, supportive setting to share experiences, to gain advice or new ideas. There are new topics monthly. Sessions are 7:00 to 8:30pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. For more information on the Parent Support Group, please email:

Tech Discovery Summer Camp

For Students in Grades 4 to 8

This camp is full of fun interactive activities; recreation, swimming, exciting guests & adventures in the community. It will also give the campers the opportunity to practice their computer, typing skills & different uses of assistive technology through iPad apps and google docs (word processing), google slides (presentation), Google Read & Write (Text-Speech, Speech-Text) For registration please email:

YUP (Youth Upwards Program)

For Student Grades 9 to 12

Student preparation through planning, research and good choices can go far in reaching long-term goals. Areas covered: identifying strengths, needs, transferrable skills, learning style, best working environment, self-advocacy, understanding their accommodations and supports, goal setting and planning strategically for the future; whether it be post-secondary education, apprenticeship or working. This program is 80% tutor lead and 20% instruction. Guest speakers are planned to share important resources for youth.  For registration please email:

Contact information

LDA London Region

Tel: (519) 438-6213 ext. 24

Chapter Programs

Reading Rocks – An individualized, one-on-one tutoring literacy program for children ages 5 to 16 who are struggling with literacy skills.

Reading Rocks Junior – Early literacy intervention program for children ages four to six who are struggling with early literacy skills.

Let’s R.E.A.D. – A small group literacy program for children who are performing a minimum of one year behind in their reading.

B.E.S.T. (Better Emotional & Social Times) – Self-advocacy and self-esteem program for 6 to 11 year olds with LDs and/or ADHD.

S.L.A.M. (Sunshine Learning Achievement & More) – Full-day summer program for children ages 6 to 10, working on literacy skills and social skills through recreational activities.

H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Parent Effectively) – Support group for caregivers of children with ADHD.

Contact information

LDA Niagara

Tel: (905) 641-1021

Chapter Programs

Monthly Info Nights during the academic year. Member-generated topics, guest speakers or movies, all followed by a facilitated discussion.

Workshop presentations – A wide variety of workshops, intended to promote awareness of LDs, are available for children, parents, educators and employers.

Sunshine Day Camp – Summer program for children ages 7 to 12 that focuses on the development of social skills.

Coffee House – One-on-one coaching, information and support for parents of children with LDs.

‘SUP Youth Group – Facilitated youth group meets regularly to discuss living with an LD, ADHD or anxiety. Information, peer support, strategies and resources. Commencing in January 2017.

Contact information

LDA Ottawa-Carleton

Tel: (613) 567-5864

Chapter Programs

Social Skills – a group facilitated program for students from grades 1-8. The structure of our program focuses on 4 levels: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced within both junior and senior sections. We use a strengths based approach to promote positive communication skills, while building on the child’s self-esteem. Our program will encourage these helpful social skills by using role-modelling, positive feedback and self-awareness activities.

STATA (Stop, Talk, Ask, Team-Up & Agree) – a group facilitated program for students from grades 1-8. The objective is to teach skills and strategies in positive conflict resolution. The term STATA (Stop, Talk, Ask, Team Up, and Agree) engages students in role playing, self-awareness and self-reflection activities that develop their abilities to deal with emotions, conflicts and disagreements.

Academic Support – provides one-to-one tutoring services for elementary, secondary school students, as well as adults.

Orton-Gillingham – the approach is a powerful tool of intervention used in remediation for individuals with language based difficulties/dyslexia. The program is multi-sensory involving visual, auditory, kinaesthetic/tactile modalities for learning. It is also highly individualized (diagnostic/prescriptive) and focuses on mastering skills prior to developing new skills in areas of decoding, encoding, writing skills, and remediation.

Mindfulness for Kids – a specialized program to teach children about mindfulness and why it can be beneficial to practice. Participants will learn ways to help them be aware and focus on the present through breathing exercises, guided visualizations, and interactive activities.

Mindfulness for Parents and Adults – a program created for caregivers of children and youth with learning disabilities and/or ADHD. We explore mindfulness through breath, bodywork, guided mediation, and expression.

Reading Rocks – a highly successful reading program designed for children and youth with learning disabilities who have difficulty with learning to read using phonics, sight words, and fluency. Children are matched up with a professional tutor who adapts a poster board workstation and literacy program based on each child’s specific needs. This program focuses on a sight reading curriculum for children whose strengths are visual memory, visual motor, or kinesthetic. Reading Rocks teaches 50 high frequency sight words by pointing, touching, cutting, and “doing” and children who previously had difficult reading find great success. Each week, children will set goals and graph their success on their poster board, contributing to motivation and self-regulated learning. Reading Rocks makes reading fun!

Kidz Konnect Summer Camp – is more than your typical camp. It includes different programming to meet the diverse needs of our participants. In the mornings the campers participate in Social Skills and Academic Skills programming run by our Program Facilitators. After lunch, the campers participate in recreational activities that promotes the development of social skills.

Resource Counselling – Parents, families, and adults can meet with our Resource Counsellor to seek information on Learning Disabilities, ADHD, community services and resources, deciphering and reviewing IEPs and Psychoeducational Assessments, and much more!

Workshops for Parents and Adults – Workshops offer relevant topics geared towards parents and adults living with a Learning Disability and/or ADHD.

Psychoeducational Assessments – conducted by partnered Psychologists for Brampton residents. The assessment utilizes a wide variety of methods and tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students as well as behavioural and emotional issues. Educational recommendations and accommodations can then be made to assist with any struggles and to help achieve educational goals.

Contact information

LDA Peel Region

Tel: (905) 272-4100


Chapter Programs

Friendship Club – Social skills program with groups for ages 5 to 7, 8 to 10, and 11 to 13.

Youth Empowerment Leadership Program (Y.E.L.P.) – Activity-based social skills program for ages 14 to 17.

Youth Group at the YMCA Academy – Social skills program for ages 14 to 17.

Young Adults Social Group – Program to develop social skills, life skills and problem-solving skills, for ages 18 to 24.

Keyboarding for Kids – Keyboarding training for ages 7 to 13, in four locations.

Week-long Keyboarding camps during March break and in the summer.

Assistive Technology Training for Kids – Training for ages 8 to 17, with or without parent(s), in Kurzweil 3000 and Read and Write Gold.

Smart Kidz Tutoring – Jump Math program for grades K to 7 and 8 to 12, in three locations.

Mindfulness – Programs for children (ages 8 to 12) and youth (ages 12 to 15) that teach them to be aware and focus on the present through breathing exercises, guided visualizations and interactive activities.

S.T.Y.L.E. Program (Skills Training for Youth through Learning and Education) – Offered in 9 high schools for students at those schools.

Social Skills Summer Camp – One week programs over the summer for 7 to 13 year olds.

Mindfulness for Parents – 6-week series.

Preparing the Parent Workshops – Workshops on a variety of topics over the academic year.

All Bases Covered – Workshop series for parents providing concrete parenting and teaching skills to promote healthy thinking and healthy behaviours in their children.

Adult Support Group – Open to adults who have or think they have a learning disability or AD(H)D. The group provides a place for open discussions, problem solving and support. 

Adult EmployABLITY – A program to guide, teach, train, coach, and empower our adults to become EmployABLE, regardless of their abilities.

Seniors Heritage & Folklore Circle – A program that is designed to engage seniors that are challenged with LD and/or other challenges.

Contact information

LDA Toronto District

Tel: (416) 229-1680


Chapter Programs

Reading Rocks – an individualized, one-on-one tutoring program for children aged 6-12 who are struggling with literacy skills. Offered 1-2 times a year.

Information meetings/workshops – with field professionals 5-7 times a year on a variety of topics relevant to parents and adults.

Peer Support Network – meetings 2-3 times a year, with the aim of parents helping other parents through resource and knowledge sharing.

Family Conference – a FREE full-day conference hosted on an annual basis, on the 3rd Saturday of October.

Contact information

LDA Wellington County

Tel: (519) 837-2050


Chapter Programs

BEST (Better Emotional/Social Times) Program – Social skills training for ages 8 to 12.

ABC & 123 Tutoring Program – Small group tutoring in Windsor and Essex settings using A to Z Reading and JUMP Math tutoring methods, for ages 8 to 14.

Summer Enrichment Camps – For students in or entering grades 3 to 6.

SOAR (Some Assembly Required) Transition Planning Summer Program – Self-advocacy and transition skills for students entering grades 6 to 9.

Youth Recreation Program – Activity-based social program for youth ages 13 to 18.

SOAR High School Program – Transition program for young adults ages 16 to 21 who are completing high school, have recently completed high school, or have dropped out of high school.

PACE: LD (Parents Advocating/Children Excelling) Advocacy Training Program – Interactive parent advocacy course for parents of children or youth with a diagnosis of LD.

PACE: ADHD (Parents Advocating/Children Excelling) Advocacy Training Program – Interactive parent advocacy course for parents of children or youth with a diagnosis of ADHD.

Adaptive Technology Training – Computers, iPads, and Chromebooks with adaptive technology are available for use in the chapter library, and introductory training on adaptive technology can be arranged.

Brainology Camp – An interactive program that incorporates online activities and videos to assist youth in understanding the brain and how it works for ages 11-14.

Workshops & Conference

Contact information

LDA Windsor-Essex County

Tel: (519) 252-7889
Address: c/o Maryvale 3640 Wells St. Windsor, ON N9C 1T9


Chapter Programs

Educational Workshops/Annual Conference – Sessions for community members, students, and/or professionals on topics related to learning disabilities and/or ADHD.

Parent Support Group – Provides parents and guardians with the opportunities to exchange strengths, areas of improvement, solutions, and more information with other parents and professionals.

SOAR Mindful Transitions – Elementary, grades 7 & 8 and secondary ages 16 To 20 years old – Program for students to develop skills on: learning strategies, self-advocacy and transitioning to high school, post-secondary education or the workplace.  Sessions available one-on-one or in groups.

Social Skills Programs – Provided in Richmond Hill and Newmarket locations for children ages 6 to 16 with primary diagnosis of LD and/or ADHD. Also includes Parent Sessions to help parents implement the strategies taught in Social Skills at home.

Social Skills Summer Camp – A one-week activity-based day camp for children ages 7 to 12. In a safe, encouraging and positive environment, learning social skills has never been so fun.

STEM Discovery Club –The Discovery Club will provide children the opportunity to foster their creativity as they discover various tools and techniques while making STEM-based projects (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math)

STEM Minds March Break Camp – A one-week March Break camp for children ages 6 to 14. Children will get the opportunity to foster their creativity as they discover various tools and techniques while making STEM-based projects.

Strategies for Life – An 8-part series focusing on academic and socio-emotional effects of LDs and/or ADHD. Students ages 17 to 25 work towards developing strategies to become more resilient as they progress into the next stage of life. Sessions available upon request.

Summer Institute for Youth – Summer workshops for youth on topics related to transition to secondary or postsecondary studies.

Tutoring Services – One-to-one literacy and numeracy tutoring program for students in grades 3 to 8 with trained volunteers.

Young Adult Forum – Designed for young adults ages 19 to 25, to expand understanding of mental health issues and become the agents of change in their lives. Speakers present monthly on various topics and challenges surrounding mental health.

Adult Support Group – Provides opportunities for adults with LD and ADHD.

Job-Fit Program – A program to help adults with LD and/or ADHD explore interests, strengths, weaknesses and how to ask for accommodations.

Contact information

LDA York-Simcoe

Tel: (905) 884-7933
Address: 9030 Leslie St #216 Richmond Hill ON L4B 1G2